Property Inspect: the perfect solution for standardized HUD inspection reports.
The HUD Exchange is an online platform for providing program information, guidance, services, and tools to HUD’s community partners, including state and local governments, nonprofit organizations, Continuums of Care (CoCs), Public Housing Authorities (PHAs), tribes, and partners of these organizations.
All HUD funded programs require standardized inspections of properties. Municipalities require the correct documentation in place to be able to release funds. Most HUD funded programs rely on costly paper processes with handwritten notes and individual pictures that are very time-consuming. Property Inspect cuts the time and cost of HUD inspections including the new NSPIRE templates, in half while increasing landlord accountability through photographs and videos. Property Inspect also provides tenants with more choice and voice.
What are the benefits of adding inspection software to your municipality
✔️ HUD templates including NSPIRE, REAC, HQS, HCV and many more!
✔️ Landlords, property managers, tenants and inspectors can conduct inspections through an App on their phone or tablet and include date/time-stamped photos.
✔️ Action items and repairs can be identified and assigned to be completed prior to certification and tenant move-in.
✔️ Inspection reports are immediately available to multiple users for review and certification.
✔️ Shortens inspection and certification time so tenants can move in faster.
✔️ Reduce administration, property onboarding times and tenant management.
✔️ App-based technology instead of paper checklists.
✔️ Audit trail and records for every property inspected provide effortless compliance.
If you receive HUD funding and want to reduce the amount of time it takes to inspect and certify housing units to prevent homelessness and eviction, Property Inspect is the affordable solution. We look forward to customizing our HUD inspection templates and processes to meet the needs of your local requirements.
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Our Software Provides
One centralized database for properties to be stored and searched by category and availability.
One centralized database for all pending, active and completed inspections.
The ability to assign self inspections to property managers saving time and money for your city.
Live inspections that allow you to control and create the inspection in real time from your office via a live streaming video.

HUD live inspections
Similar to a video call, program administrators or inspectors can conduct a virtual walk through with property owners, property managers and even tenants. The inspection report information including images are captured in real time allowing you to create a report anywhere in the world without ever leaving your office.
By allowing units/housing to be inspected remotely this reduces both the costs and time frame for onboarded units in half in most cases. This creates a positive snowball effect of getting applicants into housing faster and saving valuable time which translates into huge savings.
Smart & Innovative Solution
Property Inspect was asked to help solve this issue with their inspection app and custom templates designed around the HUD process, these included several innovative options:
Enable the property manager to carry out a self inspection via a simple to use template including adding date/time referenced pictures.
Enable the inspector to attend the property and complete the required template fields, add pictorial evidence and action points.
Ability to assign actions for issues to be identified and then assigned for work to be completed on the property prior to the tenant taking up occupation.

Speeding up the inspection process
With inspectors and property managers able to rethink and take ownership of the Inspection processes; instead of the months long property ‘onboarding’ process has been cut in half and effectively streamlined.
This has resulted in saving weeks of administration with an average of just 30 days to complete the documentation. An extremely beneficial feature of the app is the ability to create a live inspection - with virtual viewings now the norm; tenants can move in quicker than ever before.
HUD-Friendly Inspection Checklists and Templates
Our professional software allows for documenting a property condition in a fast and effective way. Working with all Chicago & the City of Baltimore has helped us to understand the inspection requirements and workflows allowing us to design HUD's inspection checklists into templates that work seamlessly with our software and mobile APP.
Whether it's HQS, HCV, REAC, ESG or REAC Exterior inspections, we have created or can create a workflow for your organization.

Secure Database of Stored Property Information
Our software offers cities and municipalities access to the most advanced and intuitive databases to securely store and reference property inspection reports.
Structured time stamped property reports containing conditions, imagery and video providing accountability to all stakeholders that the properties are safe, compliant and fit for habitation.
This negates properties that are not fit for purpose and provides actionable information to improve the quality of properties within this process, which is all documented and stored within the Property Inspect system.
Streamlining Re-Housing Programmes at Scale
In the US, Homelessness is both a crisis and an epidemic. Although cities, states and the federal government allocate funding to the issue the bureaucratic processes and lack of technology or unified structured systems to streamline the process continues to hinder positive results.
Property Inspect solves many of the current problems facing these cities by streamlining the Rapid Re-Housing process at scale.

all Chicago - Case Study
Since Summer of 2020, Property Inspect has been working with all Chicago to help improve the onboarding and inspection process, designing suitable templates and processes for their Rapid Re-Housing programme.
Over 2000 properties have been onboarded from a mixture of physically attended inspections, owner self-assessments and virtual video inspections.
As a result, the city of Chicago have reduced their re-housing turnaround times by at least 50 percent from 90 days down to just 45.
Working with Property Inspect, All Chicago developed a range of checklist templates with simple questions and prompts in order for residents to easily embed photo and video of their vacant accommodations.
City Of Baltimore - Case Study
Property Inspect has helped Baltimore create a new, more efficient system of inspections and enabled the city to engage in a much more rigorous and expansive property identification process. It facilitated building a database of more, higher-quality properties, created more visibility into a faster process and provided more choice for clients.
Within a few months of Baltimore starting to use Property Inspect, it has entered nearly 500 new properties into the system, conducted 290 inspections that have led to the housing of 98 homeless individuals in less than six months. Baltimore would not have been able to achieve this rate of rehousing without Property Inspect. It has been so successful that the Mayor’s Office of Children and Family Success and the United Way of Central Maryland will be using it for their eviction prevention programs.

How it works
Centralized Database
One centralized database for properties to be safely & securely stored that can be searched by category. Property Inspect keeps a live and historical timeline of all events, notifications and property history, alerting you instantly when something happens and provides summaries of your outstanding and past reports.
Centralized Inspections
Our software simplifies the management of property portfolios and centralizes the database for all pending, active and completed inspections. Our Live Dashboard helps you manage, schedule and track site visits in real-time.
Self Service
With Self Service inspections you can assign property inspection reports directly to residents, property managers or clients to complete your HUD forms which saves time and money. This simplified process allows you to utilize technology without the need for costly training.

Live Inspections
Live inspections allow you to control and create the inspection right from your office via live streaming video. Setup live streams with residents to inspect a property and diagnose issues remotely and virtually from the comfort of your desktop. Capture high quality photos as residents show you around the property or site.
Feature Overview
Property Inspect is working across multiple department services with HUD specific templates
Rapid Re-Housing
Property Inspect currently works with major municipalities in the fight to end Homelessness. Our software allows these cities to cut the time and cost of identifying and adding eligible units to their rapid re-housing programs. HUD specific templates along with self and live inspection technology are making a difference in people's lives everyday. Allow Property Inspect to digitize your property criteria process and help rehouse the homeless faster.
Rental Assistance
Keeping families in their homes; Emergency Rental Assistance program makes funding available to assist households that are unable to pay rent or utilities. Our software helps municipalities identify and add eligible units to their property portfolio with historical audit trails and documenting evidence that is required.
Family Success
The Housing Options Programs (HOP) assist families or individuals at risk of becoming homeless or experiencing homelessness.
Housing Quality Standards (HQS)
Property Inspect helps raise standards in inspections and therefor improve the habitability of a rental property. Housing Quality Standards (HQS) are the HUD minimum quality standards for tenant-based programs. HQS standards are required both at initial occupancy and during the term of the lease which our software caters for the property life cycle in many inspection based forms.
Relocation Services
Much like rapid re-housing, Property Inspect's software allows cities to cut the time and cost of identifying and adding eligible units to their programme designed around the HUD process with built in HUD templates. Property Inspect helps municipalities to digitize the property criteria process and help relocate those in need faster.

Housing Choice Voucher (HCV)
Inspections play a large and important role in the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program for public housing agencies (PHAs), landlords, property managers and tenants. Inspections are required by law and periodic inspections take place throughout tenancy, in addition to the initial inspection. Property Inspect has automated the HCV inspection process by automating HQS inspections form and it is now available on our platform.
HUD templates built in
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